Professional Tutoring in West Courtenay

Discover the Orton-Gillingham tutoring approach from our comfortable, private classroom. We offer both One-on-one tutoring, group tutoring as well as Online Tutoring.

Initial Assessment and Profile Writing


New families joining the center are asked to provide Karin, Lana, or Neil with any assessments that have been completed on their child.  We will analyze these assessments, and do additional assessments as needed.  After all, information has been analyzed we will write a detailed profile on your child indicating areas of strengths, weaknesses, and learning styles.  This gives their teacher the information they need to plan their student’s programs so that they are being taught the way that they learn.

Level B Assessments:

  • WRAT-5:  Wide Range Achievement Test, 5th Edition
  • CTOPP2:  Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing:  2nd Edition
  • VMI:  Beery Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration
  • TOWL-4:  Test of Written Language, 4th Edition
  • PAT-2:  Phonological Assessment Test 2nd Edition
  • WIST:  Word Identification and Spelling Test

Assessment and Profile writing:  Based on hourly rate

Our Rates

The Lesson

Basic Orton-Gillingham

Basic Orton-Gillingham consists of phonetic reading and spelling. These students are usually beginning readers and writers who are still learning the sounds and symbols of the alphabet.  The basic level student is also introduced to the cursive letters and is asked to apply it in his/her work as soon as all the letters are learned.  The student begins learning sight words specific to his/her needs.

Intermediate Orton-Gillingham

Intermediate Orton-Gillingham consists of learning more than one sound for a phonogram (c cat /k/ and c before eiy /s/) as well as spelling generalizations (ck /k/ at the end of a one syllable word after a short vowel), spelling patterns and affixes.. At this point students are learning the different syllable types as they are taught how to sound out multi-syllabic words by chunking while thinking through their spelling.  Student and teacher begins vocabulary work as the student begins spelling and reading more complicated words, phrases and sentences.

Advanced Orton-Gillingham

Advanced Orton-Gillingham. Once the child has made the shift from reading words syllabically to morphologically and can use the basic and intermediate stage principles with accuracy and automaticity the teacher begins teaching the student about the importance of the origins of the English language. The history of the English language is taught, Anglo-Saxon suffixes and prefixes are reviewed as the student knows that they change the meanings of words. Gradually the student proceeds to learning the many Latin prefixes and roots while developing vocabulary at the same time as experiencing the influence of word origin on pronunciation, meaning and spelling. This level of study involves using all levels of word structure. Instruction continues to be direct and explicit.


Handwriting is a huge component of an Orton-Gillingham Lesson.  Each child learns how to cursive write as research shows that cursive writing creates more connectivity in the brain.  It also helps to alleviate issues with letter formation as each lower case cursive letter begins in the same place (on the line).  Cursive writing also helps children who have difficulties with letter reversals.​

Where We’re Located

Karin Holm has a professional tutoring space and classroom situated on her property.  Orton-Gillingham tutoring involves a variety of materials and it is easier for her to work out of a classroom space versus travelling to her clients.  Each student has his/her own learning style and not every child requires the use of the same materials.  Karin’s classroom allows her to work with children in group situations as well as to have her materials set up specifically for the needs of the students coming into her room.  Her private tutoring space gives her the flexibility to adapt to her students needs during the lessons while having close accessibility to her supplies. 

Get In Touch With Us Today

We are passionate about teaching children with learning differences and works hard to ensure our students are feeling success while they build their confidence and self-esteem.